Jumat, 12 April 2013

Try Going Just One Day With No Texting and Driving

            Sounds good my man. seeya soon ill tw |

Alexander Heit, 22 years old, was in the driver's seat, head down, while the car carrying him was drifting into oncoming traffic. The oncoming driver slowed and avoided a collision, but when Alexander looked up, he over-corrected, and rolled his car. Officers found his cell phone with a partially complete text message at 5:16 p.m.

His parents released an image of the message, hoping no one else has to die while texting and driving.

What lesson do we learn from this?

  • Do not text and drive
  • Pay attention to other cars (and trucks) erratic behaviour while driving, as there are many other people texting and driving.
  • Do not over correct when you finally do get a chance to look up.
  • Buy a car that has a low centre of gravity, with wheels set wide apart so that it resists rolling.
  • If you must text and drive, do it only for important messages. As far as I can see, this message was not important.  But if you are  following a terrorist in a schoolbus with hostage children and a primed nuclear warhead, go for it.  And by "go for it" I mean contact 911, not to text your buddy that you'll be delayed for a bit, but you'll see him later.
  • If you must text and drive, (see above)  keep it short.  (i.e. "CU" is shorter than "sounds good my man. seeya soon ill tw")  And actually, that would have been even longer if Alexander had not been killed before the end of the texting.

Here is a link to an article, it has a video with a commercial intro, so if you don't like that sort of thing, try the second link


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