Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Scraping Pegs or Scraping Blogs

The term "scraping" has one meaning for motorcyclists, and another for bloggers. To the bloggers, it means copying material from another blog to fill out your own. This is also called plagiarism. Actually I think it is really dumb for someone to copy any blog into their own. But especially my blog, considering my controversial style that is bound to offend many more readers than it attracts.

Anyway, this motorcycling blog seems to have randomly copied my conversation with God:


And they also blindly copied many more of my blogs, without regard to the subject matter.

If you want to use any of the material in my blogs, please give me credit for the stuff I wrote and/or put a link back to me like this:



And anyone is welcome to leave a comment below, you don't need to have a Google account:

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